>> Every Step Counts: Sharing Practices in Sustainability and Biodiversity in Teaching


Dr. Cynthia Heiner

1 Tag, 18.11.2024
Montag, 11:45 - 12:45 Uhr 
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Join us for a Brown Bag Lunch discussion on integrating sustainability into teaching and learning. Share your ideas, experiences, and examples – no matter how small or experimental. We believe every attempt is valuable and contributes to our collective progress towards a shared “best practice.” DCAT is eager to learn from your examples and hear what support you need.
Together, we’ll brainstorm on how to incorporate biodiversity and sustainability themes into our courses and reflect on teaching methods that make these shifts sustainable and impactful. The session will be held in English to encourage cross-cultural exchange and broaden perspectives. Every little bit helps, and together, these small steps can add up to significant change. Bring your ideas – and your lunch – to this networking event and be part of a community of practice where we can learn, support, and inspire one another to reshape education for a more sustainable future.

Dr. Cynthia E. Heiner, Dahlem Center for Academic Teaching (DCAT), Projekt Students’ University (StudentU)

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  1. Weitere Veranstaltungen von Dr. Cynthia Heiner

    1. Informationsveranstaltung zum Zertifikat und anderen Angeboten des DCAT25-1.GIV2504

      Information about the certificate and other DCAT offers
      16.01.25 (1-mal) 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
      Virtueller Kursraum
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    2. Informationsveranstaltung zum Zertifikat und anderen Angeboten des DCAT25-1.GIV2505

      Information about the certificate and other DCAT offers
      24.02.25 (1-mal) 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr
      Virtueller Kursraum
      Plätze frei
      (Plätze frei)