IN ENGLISH: Starter Kit Academic Teaching
Please note the changed dates!

in attendance (2 sessions)

Ilona Kiarang

2 Tage, 27.03.2025, 28.03.2025
Donnerstag, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Freitag, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr 
Alle Termin(e) im Detail anzeigen / im Kalender speichern

This “Starter Kit” provides an introduction to academic teaching. In addition to discussing some basics of teaching and learning in higher education, we will cover topics such as course design and student activation. We will practice and discuss various teaching methods and tools. There will be time slots to work on your own course designs and to discuss these with your peers. This workshop will help you to reflect upon your role as a lecturer and to deal with multiple expectations.
Please ‘bring’ a course you would like to work on during the workshop - and be prepared to participate actively!

  • Introduction to guiding principles of teaching and learning
  • Course planning in theory and practice
  • Methods to activate and engage students
  • Role as a lecturer and associated expectations

Learning goals
After completing this workshop participants will ....
  • be able to identify key issues in academic teaching and learning
  • know how to plan their course and how to design individual lessons
  • be able to select appropriate methods and tools for their learning environment
  • have reflected upon their teaching approach and experiences

Brief trainer inputs, discussions, practical exercises and peer feedback

This Workshop targets international staff teaching at the FU Berlin. It is not part of the Certificate.
Dieser Workshop richtet sich ausschließlich an internationale Gastdozent:innen und -wissenschaftler:innen. Er ist im Zertifikatsprogramm nicht anrechenbar.

noch 4 Plätze frei
(noch 4 Plätze frei)
  1. Weitere Veranstaltungen von Ilona Kiarang

    1. Platzhalterbild

      Grundlagenmodul A - geänderte Termine!25-1.GMO2501

      Online (7 Termine)
      20.03.25 - 11.07.25 (7-mal) 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
      Virtueller Kursraum
      keine freien Plätze. Anmeldung auf Warteliste möglich.
      (keine freien Plätze. Anmeldung auf Warteliste möglich.)
    2. Platzhalterbild

      Lehrprojekt Gruppe A25-1.LP2541

      Präsenz (3 Termine)
      24.03.25 - 07.07.25 (3-mal) 13:00 - 17:00 Uhr
      keine freien Plätze. Anmeldung auf Warteliste möglich.
      (keine freien Plätze. Anmeldung auf Warteliste möglich.)